Change The World: Volume 1 Issue 6: Rechargeable Batteries
I was just thinking that another change that many people can do is to just use rechargeable batteries. It might sound easy and that's because it is. Now most people know that for a 4 pack of rechargeable batteries you’re going to get set back about $12 which is pretty steep, especially when regular batteries cost about half as much. Then there is the cost of a charger for them that runs about $10 and can charge about 2-4 batteries at a time. If you’re lucky and smart you get a charger that works for everything from D-batteries to AAA-batteries so you only need one charger. To replace all the remotes, audio devices, and miscellaneous electronics is roughly 20 assorted batteries. So when you get the bill you’re looking at $50-$60 just to get replaceable batteries. I know what you thinking, I should be telling you why to get them instead of scarring you away from the concept. I’ll get to that soon enough.
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